Diagnosed with Crohns Disease, Colitis, and Fructose Malabsorption, I have seen my own share of medical innovations as well as hardships. I cannot tell you how many times I have been told there is nothing more that can be done or I have to live like this. Those are probably the worst things to hear because where is the hope? Although not as serious as leukemia or lymphoma, the same idea stands: hope. Well, there happens to be a new sense of hope that is growing and saving lives... The Gift of Life Bone Marrow Foundation.
Throughout my own medical experiences, I have met many different individuals, from doctors trying to help me, to meeting individuals with different health issues. Many medications that are recommended to help my conditions have a very high risk in causing leukemia or lymphoma, which has linked me to individuals who have taken that route. Among meeting people this way, and through simple check-ups, the idea of health innovations and helping the public gain knowledge of many ailments (and what they might actually be able to do to help) became a passion of mine.
Aside from my own health issues, I have experienced many members of my family going through the hardships and treatments of many different types of cancer. Many, in fact, have passed away because so. Therefore, this foundation hits home in that sense as well.
My goal of a Campus Ambassador for the Gift of Life is to gain awareness, to show people that they really can help. By simply donating or adding onto the donor registry if able, someone can change a life. Someone can save a life. It is the simplest of action and to me, it is shocking that I am only finding out about all this information recently. Because of this, I am making it my job to share the message, to gain awareness, and to be part of something great because that is why we are here afterall- to do something great with our lives.
What is better than possibly saving a llfe?
In conclusion, please join our donor circle and become a member of the Gift of Life bone marrow registry. This registry is here to provide children and adults who are sick with leukemia or lymphoma a chance to recover. You could save a life! It's as simple has hitting a few simple buttons or getting swabbed in less than a minute.