Cancer never stops and neither will we! As a result of COVID-19, hundreds of life-saving donor drives across the world have been canceled. Without new donors being added to the registry, the chances of finding a life saving match for patients battling blood cancer continues to plummet. Thankfully, Gift of Life allows those who want to swab and join the registry to do so from the comfort of their own home! And now that we're all pretty much home (except our essential workers and those in the medical field- WE THANK YOU!), now is the time to get swabbing!
A match is made based on our HLAs or Human Leukocyte Antigens which are proteins on the surface of our cells that help the body differentiate between self and non-self. HLAs are inherited from parents so you are most likely going to match with an individual of the same ethnicity. However, finding a perfect match is like looking for a needle in a haystack for groups who are not as well-represented in the registry. There are patients who spend months waiting for their lifesaving match and others who unfortunately never find one. You have the opportunity to give someone the gift of life through simply swabbing your cheek! You may be the ONLY person out there who can save their life! For more info on the matching and donation process, click Learn More above!
We're looking for swabbers between the ages of 18-35. To order your free swab kit straight to your home, hit the 'Get Swabbed' button on the side of the page.
If you don't fall into that age category or can't swab for whatever reason, consider making a financial donation by clicking 'Give to My Circle' and help us cure blood cancer.
Stay Safe and Swab On,
Gitta Elefant-Langer
A donor sponsored by Saving Lives From a Distance has matched a 21 year old woman battling Acute Myelogenous Leukemia.
A donor sponsored by Saving Lives From a Distance has matched a 53 year old woman battling Acute Myelogenous Leukemia.
A donor sponsored by Saving Lives From a Distance has matched a 58 year old man battling Acute Myelogenous Leukemia.
A donor sponsored by Saving Lives From a Distance has matched a 51 year old woman battling Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL).
A donor sponsored by Saving Lives From a Distance has matched a 74 year old woman battling Myelodysplastic Disorder.
A donor sponsored by Saving Lives From a Distance has matched a 57 year old woman battling Acute Myelogenous Leukemia.
A donor sponsored by Saving Lives From a Distance has matched a 42 year old woman battling Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia.
A donor sponsored by Saving Lives From a Distance has matched a 12 year old boy battling Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL).
A donor sponsored by Saving Lives From a Distance has matched a 63 year old man battling Myelodysplastic Disorder.
A donor sponsored by Saving Lives From a Distance has matched a 59 year old woman battling Severe Aplastic Anemia.
A donor sponsored by Saving Lives From a Distance has matched a 63 year old man battling Acute Myelogenous Leukemia.
A donor sponsored by Saving Lives From a Distance has matched a 48 year old woman battling Acute Myelogenous Leukemia.
A donor sponsored by Saving Lives From a Distance has matched a 24 year old man battling Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL).
A donor sponsored by Saving Lives From a Distance has matched a 60 year old woman battling Myelodysplastic Disorder.
A donor sponsored by Saving Lives From a Distance has matched a 6 year old boy battling Acute Myelogenous Leukemia.
A donor sponsored by Saving Lives From a Distance has matched a 7 year old boy battling Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL).
A donor sponsored by Saving Lives From a Distance has matched a 30 year old woman battling Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL).