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Six Figure Social Media Club

Feb 17, 2011 by Gift of Life News

100,000 followers, that’s a good place to start

Not many non profit organizations can proudly boast six figures of facebook followers committed to their vision. On Tuesday, February 15, Gift of Life saw the number turn from five to six figures. Every person who ‘likes’ Gift of Life on facebook is another person closer to saving a life.  The importance to grow this page isn’t just about increasing the number of followers , it is about growing the amount of potential donors and educating as many people as possible.”

Gift of Life has used facebook as a platform to inform supporters across the world  about bone marrow, blood stem cell, and umbilical cord blood donations.  Many of the supporters on facebook have requested that buccal swab kits be sent to them so they can join the registry and save a stranger’s life.  Gift of Life’s facebook friends represent more than twenty countries and are fluent in over  nineteen languages. 

“It is inspiring to see Gift of Life supported by 100,000 people, all sharing our vision – A match. Anytime. Anywhere. For anyone,” said Barby Sloven, Associate Executive Director.

Using Facebook and Twitter, Gift of Life has also spread the word about patients who are actively searching for matches, like twenty-two month old Ezra, and thirty-two year old Maxine. Having a strong social media presence has been used as a platform to notify supporters about upcoming bone marrow recruitment drives and fundraisers that are taking place on behalf of these patients, and the thousands of others who search for their lifesaving matches every day. 

So much interactivity is happening on this page, it is not just about posting information, but listening to what people are saying.  This is the true meaning of a Web 2.0 world.

100,000 facebook fans represents one of the largest followings by any non-profit. 
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