Join Registry Give Now
Join Registry Give Now


Dec 07, 2010 by Gift of Life News


Gift of Life is a proud charity partner for the New York City Half-Marathon taking place on March 20, 2011.  This means you can join Team Gift of Life and receive guaranteed entry into the Half-Marathon by raising $1,200.  If you have already gained entry into the Half-Marathon through the lottery, you can still join Team Gift of Life by raising $600.
Choosing to run for a charity is an honorable commitment and we are thrilled that you are considering running for us.  Gift of Life Bone Marrow Foundation is one of North America’s public bone marrow, blood stem cell and umbilical cord blood registries.  Our Founder and Executive Director, Jay Feinberg, is a bone marrow recipient.  What began as the search to find his life-saving match, has become who we are today.  Our vision is simple - A match. Anytime. Anywhere. For anyone.  Since 1991, Gift of Life has facilitated over 2,180 transplants and continues to work tirelessly for patients suffering from leukemia, lymphoma, other cancers and genetic diseases in the hopes that they too will find their miracle match.

With all the time and effort you are devoting to us, we want you to know that every dollar you raise will be used to add new donors to the bone marrow registry.  In fact, we will keep track of the donors you add to the registry and let you know if matches and transplants are found as a direct result of your efforts.  So be proud of what you’re doing!

All Team Members Receive:
• Welcome packet
• Gift of Life T-shirt
• An online fundraising tool to help you track your donations and progress
• Fundraising assistance and tips from staff and experienced runners

To join Team Gift of Life, please contact Marti Freund at or 561-982-2946.
Click here for Team Gift of Life.