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Gift of Life Heroes, Past & Present

Jul 16, 2010 by Gift of Life News


“Jay, When last we spoke you were thanking me for my donation and discussing setting up a drive at my office. Unfortunately I write you now with a fire under my feet. My girlfriend’s older sister Annie was recently diagnosed with leukemia. Her best chance is for a stem cell transplant. Both of her sister’s were tested and are not matches. We need you to help us with the next step.”

 I received this email message from a fellow named Jason a few days ago. Jason is a Gift of Life hero. Back in 2004, he swabbed his cheek to join our registry at a drive held at the Jack J. Spitzer Forum on Public Policy hosted by Hillel: The Foundation of Jewish Campus Life. A few years later, he got the news that he was a match for a 64 year old man suffering from leukemia, and subsequently donated his blood stem cells to give him a second chance at life. The man was a total stranger — someone Jason didn’t know, and might never have the opportunity to meet. But he donated without hesitation.

Now, time was of the essence again. This time the patient was not a stranger. It was someone he knew, and he wanted to help. “Since my donation with Gift of Life a little over two years ago, I knew exactly what to do when my friend Annie was unable to find a genetic match. I reached out to my friends at Gift of Life and now we are working to have bone marrow registry drives for Annie all over the U.S. Gift of Life instantly mobilized to help Annie’s friends and family coordinate details and publicize the need for her to find a donor.”

As we started making plans for the drive in Atlanta, I received a message that really made my week. It really is a small world. “Jay, Just wanted to re-introduce myself. You may remember my sister, Miriam, who was involved with Gift of Life in the early days. I’ve been a supporter from time to time as well. I’m now the rabbi of a congregation in Atlanta. We are doing our best to bring resources to bear to help Annie and her family. I’m excited to be working with Gift of Life again, and looking forward to making some matches. – Josh.”

Well, of course I remember Miriam! She organized a walk-a-thon called “Walk for Life” back in the early ‘90’s during my own search for a donor. The walk was at the Solomon Schechter Day School in West Orange, New Jersey, and CONTINUES TO THIS DAY thanks to the Principal, Dr. Joyce Raynor! I quickly emailed Miriam, and received the following reply that illustrates why I am so blessed to do the work that I do each day:

“Thanks for the memories, Jay. Looking back, I’m grateful for that early fundraising training and I imagine it will now serve me well; I’ve just assumed the post of Dean of the Fingerhut School of Education at American Jewish University and I’m hoping to expand the reach of the program and attract more social justice-minded people to the field through some innovative new programs. It really was my privilege to get to know you back in the day, Jay, and contribute a small part in the early days of Gift of Life. I continue to admire the incredible work you have done.”

It means so much to me that our efforts as a bone marrow donor registry touch not only the lives of the patients we serve and the donors who make it all possible, but also the lives of our volunteers. We are truly having an impact on our future leaders, and Miriam is a perfect example.


So is Jason. When I asked him how it felt to be a hero, he replied “I am not a hero. I believe in the power of people around a collective goal. I am just lucky that I was able to connect with Gift of Life and help someone in need. The real heroes are the staff members of Gift of Life who tirelessly work to help people.” Well, Jason, if you are reading this blog post, please know that to us, you will always be a hero!

Jason asked that I conclude my blog post with this appeal: “Anyone reading this please join the registry and spread the word. A simple cheek swab could lead to you saving someone’s life.”

Jason, we couldn’t agree with you more, and we will do everything in our power to find that miracle match for Annie. To register as a donor, please visit and order your cheek swab kit through the mail or attend a drive scheduled in your community.