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Giving Back in Honor of a Father’s Legacy

Feb 03, 2012 by Gift of Life News

Over the 2011 Holiday season, the creators of the SILVER project hosted a photography contest with the winners receiving a unique prize: the opportunity to have their art featured in a calendar. The contest was a great success as many individuals from all around the world participated. One thousand calendars were created and sold during the holidays, with all of the net proceeds benefitting a special cause: clearing donor kits off Gift of Life’s waitlist.

The SILVER Project was created during the Fall of 2010 when Stacey, a promotions specialist in New York City, wanted to honor her father’s legacy after he lost his life to leukemia. She teamed up with her friend, Stephanie, who used her photography to create the first calendar; also involved were her brother, Jason, and his friend, Avi. Together, these four remarkable individuals created the SILVER Project (read more about them here).

Though the first calendar featured photography by Stephanie, this year, the creators wanted to do something different. So, they announced a photo contest where people could submit photos that had a story of inspiration behind them. Many people entered, often telling the story of why they took the photo and why it was so inspiring. They shared their own experiences with cancer, whether it was their story or someone they loved. The winners were selected by three judges, all who are well versed in the art of photography.

After the contest was over and the calendar was created, the SILVER Project got busy selling it all over the world. Stacey says, “It was cool to see strangers and people we didn’t know purchase calendars.... it all started because I wanted to keep my father’s memory alive." Those who shared their struggles with cancer inspired her. People from across the country showed their support of the SILVER Project’s mission: Motivate. Inspire. Remind. Give Back.

They chose to print a limited amount of calendars (only 1,000). It was a challenge to sell the last hundred, but they pressed forward and completed their goal, succeeding in raising approximately $20,000 for Gift of Life. Though it was hard, Stacey kept her eye on the goal. They knew they wanted to succeed, not only for themselves, but also in honor of Stacey and Jason’s father.  They wanted people to know that they were selling more than a calendar: they were giving hope to those who struggle with cancer and are searching for their miracle bone marrow match.

We want to thank the SILVER Project creators for their endeavors on our behalf. We have been excited to work with them on this amazing project, and we hope that their good work continues on next year!