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Running a Bone Marrow Registry

May 21, 2010 by Gift of Life News

My name is Jay Feinberg, and I am the Founder and Executive Director of the Gift of Life Bone Marrow Foundation. I am also a 15 year bone marrow transplant survivor. Being diagnosed with leukemia was devastating for me and my family, and something I would never wish upon anyone. Yet, it transformed my life in ways I never would have imagined. I learned I had friends out there I never knew I had — the 60,000 people who got tested to see if they were a match for me, not to mention the hundreds of volunteers who organized over 225 individual donor drives to help me find my match.

I am truly blessed to spend my life giving back to others for the gift that was given to me, and I try to make the most of that second chance. Fifteen years post-transplant – thanks to my donor Becky – I am blessed to be the Executive Director of the organization I founded – the Gift of Life Bone Marrow Foundation. As the head of our donor registry, I have the opportunity to hear the most inspirational and heartwarming stories each and every week. These stories are what keep me going. Now, on a weekly basis, I will be sharing them with our online community, and hope you will share my passion for our cause.