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Find the Hero Within You at Camp

Aug 01, 2011 by Gift of Life News

Last month, Camp Shwayder invited Gift of Life to be a part of its annual kickball game against JCC Ranch Camp.  Gift of Life’s “Finding the Hero in You at Camp” adds a dynamic Jewish experience to an already flourishing camp community.  The program focuses on important Jewish values, like tikkun olam (repairing the world) and pikuach nefesh (saving a life).  The program is based on the value of helping others, particularly giving oneself to a complete stranger to save his or her life. 
Recognizing the importance of this message, the symbolic first pitch of the game was thrown by Bryan, a recent peripheral blood stem cell donor.  Bryan shared his personal story about the donation process and reiterated the need to increase donors in the worldwide bone marrow registry.  In 2008, Bryan had a friend who was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.  He joined Gift of Life’s registry without hesitation the following year on a Birthright trip.  When Bryan arrived home, he learned his friend’s condition had worsened, and shortly after he visited him in the hospital, his friend passed away.  Bryan received the call from Gift of Life several months later that he had been identified as a match for a thirty-nine year old male with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.  Bryan describes the donation as an unbelievable experience and urges everyone to join the registry. 
Bryan’s message was especially meaningful to current camp member, Courtney, who was recently diagnosed with leukemia.  She said, “What went on Sunday night up at Shwayder Camp was so inspirational, it was such a great event.” 
After the game, staff members were given the opportunity to join the registry, which requires only a simple swab of the cheek.  Thirty-seven people joined the registry that evening in the hopes that they will someday have the opportunity to give a stranger a second chance at life.