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Six Figure Social Media Club

Feb 2011 News
On Tuesday, February 15, Gift of Life saw the number turn from five to six figures. Every person who ‘likes’ Gift of Life on facebook is another person closer to saving a life.
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From 4% chance of survival to 100% healthy: Joe’s story of hope

Feb 2011 News
Joe was at the end of his rope. After being diagnosed with a very advanced case of leukemia, his doctors told him he had only a 4% chance of survival.
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Attorney Ari crossed the country twice to save a life

Feb 2011 Donor Story
Judges helped clear his calendar so he could travel to donate stem cells
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Walk4Life Photo Gallery

Jan 2011 News
This inaugural event was declared a success by all who were in attendance as it was announced that the goal for monies raised far exceeded what was projected.
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Anything Short of a Typical Sunday

Jan 2011 News
I arrived at the park about an hour before sunrise. Ordinarily only the sound of crickets would be heard, but not last Sunday morning.
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20 Years Later This Mission Still Stands Strong

Jan 2011 News
A momentous occasion that will celebrate twenty years of saving lives by uniting transplant recipients and their donors while honoring those affected by bone marrow transplants.
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