Join Registry Give Now
Join Registry Give Now

Thank you for your support of Gift of Life Marrow Registry with FAU. 

We are excited to partner together for World Marrow Donor Day to celebrate and thank volunteer blood stem cell donors around the world. We thank unrelated donors, family donors, cord blood donors, donors who already have donated, and donors who are on the global registry waiting to donate.

Because of volunteers like yourself, Gift of Life has been able to add over 374,800 donors to the worldwide registry and faciliate 3,645 transplants to patients in 49 countries. 

You have the power to save a life!!!

Joining the registry is as simple as swabbing your cheeks. All you have to do is press the "Get Swabbed" button to the right. This will prompt you to fill out a health questionnaire to be sure you are healthy enough to donate if called upon as a donor in the future. We want to be sure donating would be simple and safe for you. 

Once you fill out the health questionnaire, you will be able to put in the address you would like your swab kit to be sent to. 

Once your kit comes in the mail, this video is helpful to see how exactly you will swab. Be sure to send back your kit ASAP... your perfect match may be waiting for you!


If you think you may have swabbed in the past, you can check by visiting 

To learn more about what the donation process entails, visit


Thank you again for helping FAU Esports support Gift of Life Marrow Registry and their mission to save lives. 

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Brianna Taggart (owner)