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Sound the Call to Action!

Sep 2008 News
Gift of Life is undertaking an ambitious endeavor to register up to 25,000 new bone marrow and blood stem cell donors during the High Holidays this year, and we are inviting you to help sound the call to action!
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Jewish Heritage Day at Shea

Aug 2008 News
Gift of Life partnered with the NY Mets to celebrate Jewish Heritage Day at Shea Stadium by uniting a transplant survivor with the man whose generous blood stem cell donation saved his life.
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The 2008 Partners for Life Gala

May 2008 News
Three bone marrow transplant survivors were introduced to the heroes who saved their lives at the Gift of Life Bone Marrow Foundation’s Eighth Annual Partners for Life Gala in New York.
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Celebrating Volunteers in Israel

Mar 2008 News
On March 27, 2008, Gift of Life had a celebration to recognize and pay tribute to its dedicated volunteers in Israel. The honorees gathered in the bet midrash of Shir Hadash, a popular synagogue in Jerusalem.
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Riverdale Appreciation Luncheon

Jan 2008 News
On January 27, 2008 the Riverdale Jewish community turned back the clock at a luncheon. It has been five years since families of the Riverdale community joined together in a life saving mission.
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Transplant Survivor Inspires High School Students

Jan 2008 News
Jay Feinberg, 13 year transplant survivor joined Boca Raton, Florida's Weinbaum Yeshiva High School (WYHS) students to discuss his inspirational and transformative story as a 23 year old diagnosed with leukemia.
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