This year, teachers at the Maimonides School in Brookline, MA have presented a unique graduation gift to each member of its Class of 2007: the opportunity to join Gift of Life’s registry.
The bone marrow of donors has in many instances saved the lives of many of our brethren. Because the bank is under government guidelines, they are forbidden to share any information in regard to the bone marrow recipient.
The Gift of Life Bone Marrow Foundation’s Seventh Annual Partners for Life Gala was a spectacular celebration as transplant recipients from all walks of life met their life-saving donors for the very first time!
Together with Gift of Life, HAFTR parents organized a recruitment campaign to find a genetically matched bone marrow donor for Dr. Barry Mishkin, z”l, who was suffering from leukemia.
Donor, 22 year old Yisrael Meir Goldman, was thrilled to have the opportunity to finally meet the person with whom he now shares such an extraordinary bond, Evie Goldfine.
Nearly 15 years ago, Gift of Life was established as a grass roots effort to increase the number of donors of Jewish ancestry in international registries.